Evangelism Shift


Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you;”

You are not here by accident!

No matter the circumstances of your birth, you are here on purpose—God’s purpose.

God sent you at this point in history as a unique person to make a difference for him in a way that no one else can.

The words in the verse above were spoken by God to Jeremiah when he appointed him a prophet. Jeremiah thought there must be some mistake. He felt completely incompetent to be used by God in any way. But there was no mistake. God told him the same thing he is saying to your heart today: “I wanted you born and I made you for my purposes. You fit into what I want to do in the lives of the people you touch!”

With this understanding of purpose comes a flood of meaning into our lives. Every day becomes an exploration of what God might want to do through me in the lives of the people around me. My eyes lift from a search for what will satisfy me and make me feel better to a focus on representing Jesus in my world.


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