Jeremiah 17:8
“He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (NIVUK version)
This must be an Australian tree—“no worries” in a year of drought! (What a great verse to help an unchurched Aussie you know to connect with God’s Word!)
Have you ever seen trees in the desert? They are usually small, gnarled, and look like they are barely hanging on. But watch what happens as you approach a stream of fresh water. As you get near the bank of the stream, the trees are suddenly tall and strong. Often there are flowers and fruit on the trees.
What makes the difference? Their roots go down deep and draw from the water in the stream. In Psalm 1 the stream represents the Word of God. When you remove from your life those things that are building the world’s value system into your mind, and you fill your life with things that saturate your heart and mind with God’s Word, then one day you will suddenly realise that your spiritual life is healthy and thriving. You are growing!
Even better, the leaves of your tree will remain green even in times of drought. You will remain spiritually healthy even in tough times. God is inviting you to come and meet him as you “drink in” his Word. Then you’ll be “always green” to share Jesus with someone who’s living in a spiritual drought!
Who do you know that’s living in a spiritual drought? How can you gently refresh them today with the water of God’s word?