Evangelism Shift


Romans 1:16-17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Resolution #8: I will clearly communicate the gospel message and invite people to put their trust in Christ!

How will a person be saved? By understanding the gospel message and putting their faith in Jesus and what God has done for them in the gospel. That means that the people around you—the people you live and work with—will not be saved unless they understand the gospel.

So as you talk to them about God and help them take steps towards Jesus, don’t forget that at some point you must actually talk to them about the gospel. It may happen over several conversations. Even if you are able to talk through the whole gospel message in one conversation, they will need to hear it several times from different angles before it actually sinks in.

That means that when your conversations go deeper than the surface with people and then move into spiritual conversations about God, you should start thinking, “Okay, what could I say that could take this conversation to the gospel?” Or, “What question could I ask that may lead to a gospel conversation?” Eventually, you may just need to come right out with it and ask, “Has anyone ever explained to you how you can become a Christian/start a relationship with God/experience God’s love/etc?”


You are heading into a new year. Will you make a commitment to look for opportunities to share the gospel with people and then invite them to put their trust in Christ and what he has done for them? Write it down in a place where it will remind you of your commitment.

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