Evangelism Shift


Colossians 4:2a

“Continue steadfastly in prayer…”

Prayer is our essential breath as Christians!

In this passage about soul winning in Colossians, Paul starts with what he considers most important in a Christian’s witness. “Continue steadfastly in prayer.” The first thing God reminds us to do if we want to see people come to Christ is to pray. Prayer isn’t the last resort when we’ve tried everything else. Prayer is first. In fact, prayer is before we do anything else, and prayer is during and prayer is after. That is, prayer is the air we breathe.

Prayer is recognising that God’s in charge, that we need God, that apart from him we can do nothing. Prayer links us to God and his resources, prayer taps into God’s power. Prayer helps us focus on what God can do, not what we can or can’t do.

God wants you to realise that this applies to all of life, not just to witnessing. If you can’t handle a situation in your life, if your finances are out of control, if relationships are strained, if you can’t see how the future will work out for good, if you’re in need of guidance, strength, hope, wisdom—the place to start is prayer. “If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God…” (James 1:5).


How is your prayer life? How are you going to make it better this week?

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