Evangelism Shift


2 Timothy 2:21

“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”

Seek the Kingdom of God and live righteously!

Have you ever tried working with an old oily rag? It leaves a dark smear of residue on everything it touches. On the other hand, a clean cloth can soak up a spill, clean down benches, remove grit and grime from the most intricate parts. A clean cloth can even be used to protect sensitive items from contamination. A clean cloth is a simple but essential part of a workman’s tool bag.

Would you say your life is like an old oily rag? Do you delight in talking to people about other people that really bug you? Do you find yourself in conflict all the time? Do you chase after the desires of the flesh and have a thirst for more? Or on the other hand, is your life like a clean cloth, pursuing righteousness, faith and love? Are you a peacemaker, treating everyone with gentleness and respect?

God wants you to realise today that it’s when you’re pursuing his righteousness that you are ready for every good work and able to be used by God to help clean up the mess of sin in the world.


In what areas of your life are you allowing yourself to be contaminated this year? What action do you need to take next year to be a vessel for honourable use?

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