Luke 9:32
“Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they became fully awake they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him.”
Stay alert to what God is doing!
Christ’s transfiguration takes place, Moses and Elijah show up to spend time with Jesus, and what are the disciples doing? They are napping! Peter, James and John had drifted off while true greatness was manifested.
We don’t know why the disciples were asleep. All we know is that because they weren’t awake they lost an opportunity to see how Jesus was transfigured! These three were asleep when Christ was in his glory and they were also asleep when Christ was in his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
This story emphasises the importance of staying alert for God’s activity. Be the kind of person who lives fully awake. Keep your eyes open so you don’t miss God’s glory manifested in this world, and so that you don’t miss the things that break his heart.
When we live fully awake we are aware of the great things that God is doing in our lives, our communities, our churches, our cities and our nation. When we live fully awake we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, never taking them off him. When we live fully awake, we are aware of the hurt and injustice in this world and we are moved to action. When we live fully awake we identify opportunities in conversations to share the good news of salvation.
How aware are you of what God is doing in your life?