Evangelism Shift


Proverbs 15:8-9

“The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is acceptable to him. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves him who pursues righteousness.”

When your prayers flow from your walk with the Lord, God loves your prayers!

Prayer is not wishing-out-loud; it is not some guessing game. Nor is it a genie’s bottle, which if rubbed the right way and the right words are said in the right order, will produce the desired result. No…prayer is communication and fellowship with the God of the universe.

In prayer, you share your innermost thoughts, needs and feelings, whether beautiful or ugly, and you think deeply on Scripture, allowing God to speak to you. You acknowledge God’s place as the leader of your life.

As you do so, God shares his heart with you and you will find that your requests take on a more heavenly perspective as if they are flowing from God’s own heart, with the full assurance of God’s responding answer.

God wants you to know that this kind of prayer life is “his delight”. As you begin to build your spiritual life in this way, you will quickly discover that it is your delight too! No one in the world is happier than a Christian who is truly walking with God.


A fruitful prayer life requires a foundational conviction that God is your Father, he is totally for you, without hesitation on his part, he is wholly for your good. Just how key is this conviction for your prayer life?

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