Evangelism Shift


Isaiah 6:1-2

“I saw the Lord…Above him stood the seraphim.  Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.” (Please read vv.1-5 again)

A personal encounter with God removes all your pride!

There are many different kinds of heavenly beings, which we lump together and call “angels”. The Bible talks about angels, archangels, principalities, powers, cherubim and seraphim. These that Isaiah saw were the seraphim, which means “burning ones”. Their name implies that they have a brilliance and glory about them.

These are probably the same beings that appeared to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus. When the first one appeared, Luke tells us (Luke 2:9) that “an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear.”

The appearance of one of these angels brought awe and fear to those who saw them, and yet the far greater brilliance and glory of God causes even these great and amazing beings to cover their faces. They also covered their feet, a sign of deep humility before God.

If you find yourself thinking that maybe your opinion is almost as significant as God’s opinion, or placing a low value on God’s place in your life, then you need to set aside some time simply to ask God to reveal himself to you in a greater way.


Make time now to ask God to reveal himself to you in a greater way. Pray now and recommit yourself to keeping God in the highest/first place in your life.

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