Evangelism Shift


John 4:39-40

“Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me all that I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days.

The gospel spreads through relationships!

You can imagine that Samaritan woman hurrying from the well back to her town, bursting with the awareness that she had just met the messiah. She could hardly contain herself as she started telling people about the conversation she had had with Jesus and her evidence for who he was.

It must have been evident to the people in town that something very transformative had happened to her because many of them believed in Jesus from her testimony. Because Jesus changed someone they knew, their hearts were open to him too.

More than half of Australian university students surveyed said that they do not know any Christians personally. If they knew someone who had been changed by Jesus, then, like the Samaritans, their hearts would be much more open to him.

Has God sent you into a workplace full of people who don’t know Jesus? What about your neighbours? What about your club? Your evening courses? Why do you think God would send someone who has been changed by Jesus into personal relationships with people who don’t know him? It’s time to get your love for Jesus beyond the worship songs at church and into your relationships with people who need him. Let them see the difference he is making in your life!


Would people you work / interact with regularly call you a committed or casual Christian? Why?

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