Matthew 14:22-23
“Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.”
You must get alone with God!
The Lord Jesus’ own life teaches us this lesson so powerfully today. If we are going to learn to meditate on the things of God, we need to follow Jesus’ example and often get alone with God. Jesus would often slip away to the wilderness or go up on a mountain. He would find a secluded place to focus on his heavenly Father.
Get away from the Internet, from your magazines, from the TV. Turn your phone off, and your computer too. Do what it takes to truly have time alone with God. He is looking forward to that special time with you, alone together up on his “mountain.”
You want to be greatly used by God in other people’s lives. But as Leonard Ravenhill put it, “To be much for God, we must be much with God.” He was right. Your inner spiritual life determines your usefulness to God.
Think about how busy Jesus was. How many people were clamouring for his attention? And yet he often found time to get alone with his Father. Don’t let your busyness be an excuse. You will always make time for what is important to you.
They say that in order to find out someone’s priorities you need to look at your schedule. If someone was to look at your daily schedule would they find that God is your number one priority?