Matthew 22:8-10
“Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.”
Invite as many as possible to Jesus!
This challenge from Jesus’ story illustrates the heart of God. He has prepared a wedding feast full of his presence and blessing. He wants as many people as possible to come into this place of blessing. So he is sending you with the instruction: “Invite as many as you find.”
This invitation is for “both bad and good.” It’s not the goodness of the person that makes God want to invite them. It’s simply whether they want to come to the feast. Those that want to come are welcome. His forgiveness and grace are greater than their sins. He is able to transform anyone.
But they will never know that unless they are invited. Invite as many as you find. How do you find them? Well, most likely, God has already sent you into their lives. Who are the people you work with? Live with? Live near? Exercise with? Buy things from?
How do you invite them? Share with them what the feast looks like in your own life. Tell them about Jesus. Share your answers to prayer. Talk about God’s presence in the midst of your hard times. Then invite them to put their trust in him too.
How would you describe to someone what this “feast”—this place of knowing God’s presence and blessing—is like in your own life?