Evangelism Shift


Ephesians 3:2-3

“…assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for you, how the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly.”

You are a steward of God’s grace for the sake of others!

I love that expression “steward of God’s grace”. A steward is someone who represents another person as they use what belongs to that other person. Has God given you his grace? Yes, in such an amazing, self-sacrificing way through the death of Jesus for us when we actually deserved his judgment instead.

But don’t forget that you are a steward. You are not to simply enjoy his grace to you and love all his blessings that come with that grace. No, you are also to be a dispenser of God’s grace to the people around you! When people come in contact with you, they should be amazed at the grace they encounter in you. And your conversations with them should leave them in no doubt that the difference they see in you (God’s grace) is because of Jesus.

Are you a recipient of God’s grace? Yes? Then you are a steward of God’s grace. You aren’t a dam that just collects God’s grace poured out to you. Rather, you are a stream, receiving God’s grace and immediately passing it on to those you encounter.

God is reminding you today that his grace was given to you so you would join him in his mission to bring his grace, the good news of Jesus Christ, to the lives of others.


How can you grow from being a simple receiver of the God’s grace to being a steward of God’s grace for the sake of those he has put around you?

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